
Who Am I?

Hello, my friends! My name is Eric, I’m a solo father of three, lucky husband, a wanderer of cultures and nature, and a technology entrepreneur & Systems Engineer who focuses on NOT working.

I run multiple businesses working just 3 hours a month using the power of automation, leaving all my time for my family, my passions, and ADVENTURE.

Through this blog I share the beautiful places I’ve explored and what I’ve learned to design your own Ideal Life.

What Is Hennessey Travels?

Hennessey Travels is a guide to Life Design and Travel Adventure.

I write about

  1. BALANCE: working LESS to live MORE
  2. FULFILLMENT: creating meaning in your life, work, and travel through purposeful action
  3. PASSION: pursuing what brings you joy

using my own personal passion for exploring and sharing the most beautiful natural spaces around the world as inspiration.

Mt Shuksan with Eric

Let’s Chat!

Please get in touch, I can’t wait to hear where you’re at, and see you get where you’re going. Together let’s grow and be inspired!